I find that the end of a certain TV show has sent most people walking around with deep sadness the past week. But, if we hunker down and stick together, we can get through this most trying of times, survive the devastating economic recession that the end of this series will undoubtedly trigger, sidestep the bodies of the dead who’ve flung themselves from the rooftops, navigate the riot-torn streets of America and, just maybe, live to watch TV another day.
Yeah, the cancellation of The Parkers is really going to suck.
Naw, just kidding, I'm talking about Friends which is ending its 10-year run this week with a grand finale expected to rank up there in zillion-hood viewership.
For those of you who don’t know, Friends was about the breezy lives of pals Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, Joey, Rachel and (must repress hatred) Ross, all 20-somethings prettier and wittier than anyone you know, who also live in fabu apartments they somehow afford with the jobs they supposedly have.
I realized how this goodbye is affecting our culture. Even those who don't like Friends are tuning in to the last episode. This is definitely not one of my favorite shows but I have seen twelve episodes probably in total, and yet, I still know the ENTIRE plot line of the show, along with each of their relationships and past.
I have heard my peers talking throughout the years, hoping that Rachel won't dump Ross, and that Joey should just get over Rachel instead of trying to pull "the perfect couple away from eachother." Also, fighting about whether Monica and Chandler are ready to get married or not.
The gang spent most of their abundant free time making fun of eachother in a coffee shop, sharing their recent trivial problems. The story line has remained simple enough that, no matter when you happen upon an episode of Friends in syndication or on cable (you’ve missed approximately 18 syndicated episodes since you began reading this), there isn’t much to figure out.
I've even, to my everlasting shame, tried to get the infamous "Jennifer Aniston" haircut, as odd as that sounds, because I was once sooo jealous of her hair. (I learned about a year ago that her hair is synthetic. IT'S FAKE! SHE PUTS FREAKING EXTENSIONS INTO HER HAIR AND THAT'S HOW SHE GETS IT TO LOOK SO PERFECT. I am no longer jealous of her hair. “It might not be as pretty, but at least mine is real.” Is my motto.)
I will not be home for the last episode, but just for good measure, I will be taping it. (It's not just me, it's my sister, Josh, and my parents) I do admit the show gets me to laugh, but I tire easily of “the fashion show” that goes on during the show. (I.E. None of the women have any body fat, perfect hair at any time in the day, and wear different clothing every episode. How does someone who serves coffee for four years afford that? Who knows?)
Even those who have never watched more than two episodes of Friends (like my mom and dad), will be tuning in for the last episode. Even if only to mark a point in history when the storm of idiotic magazine articles asking dumb questions like: “Which Friend are you like?”(By the way, I took this quiz. I was Joey.) “How you doin’?” “Could it be any funnier?” “What’s next for the Friends?” and “How will you kill yourself when Friends is over?” And those who have been avid Friends watchers will finally, be kicking the habit, then joining a twelve step program. (Hi, my name is Jenny, and I'm a recovering Friends watcher. I just can't believe it's over! ITS SOOO SAD. *sobs uncontrollably*) But tomorrow, this mania and the craziness will end.